Microsoft 365 touch screen

Simplify Your Life with Microsoft 365 Keyboard Shortcuts

Technology should simplify your life, not cause added stress.

As a leading Michigan technology services company, our goal is to create solutions for your IT frustrations.

A complaint we hear from various clients is the troubles associated with re-learning how to navigate their Windows desktops. As a Microsoft Partner, our office functions primarily on the Windows operating system and our own Marketing Manager has experienced our clients’ frustrations: adapting to Windows’ new look. Alas, our Vision Computer Solutions team began compiling tips and tricks for navigating Windows to help simplify your life and increase productivity, both in our office and yours.


Keyboard shortcuts are like magic tricks for getting stuff done faster in Microsoft programs. Instead of clicking around with your mouse a bunch, you can just press a few keys, and boom, you’ve saved yourself some time. This is super handy whether you’re working in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or any other program they have. With the use of shortcut keys, including function keys, you can easily navigate and perform various actions in Microsoft programs, as well as in your web browser, making them a valuable tool for increasing productivity.

With these shortcuts, doing things like copying text or moving between virtual desktops becomes way quicker because you don’t have to dig through menus. It’s all about making your workflow smoother and not wasting precious minutes.

In this blog post, we’re diving into why knowing these keyboard hacks is so important if you want to up your game in efficiency and productivity. Plus, we’ll share a big list of must-know shortcuts for different Microsoft apps that will help turn anyone into a pro at zipping through tasks.

By getting good at using keyboard commands specifically designed for Microsoft applications including Excel and managing virtual desktops among others—you’ll be able to do more in less time.

Understanding Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are just combinations of keys that let you do things quicker than if you were using a mouse. Instead of going through menus or clicking on stuff, all you have to do is press certain keys together.

These shortcuts help make everything faster and smoother, saving time and making work easier. By not having to switch back and forth between your external keyboard and mouse, tasks get done more efficiently. Almost every Microsoft program has these keyboard shortcuts, so understanding them can be especially helpful for individuals with mobility or vision disabilities, as they provide an alternative to using a touchscreen or mouse. Knowing these shortcuts can also help anyone wanting to boost their productivity and get more done in less time.

The Importance of Mastering Keyboard Shortcuts

Getting the hang of keyboard shortcuts is key to getting more done faster in today’s fast-paced digital world. When time matters a lot, being quick and efficient at your tasks can make a big difference.

With keyboard shortcuts, you don’t have to waste time clicking through menus and options. They help you speed up your work by letting you do things like copy-paste text, undo something, or move around in a documented way quicker than usual.

On top of that, using these shortcuts means less strain on your hands and wrists because they cut down on all the repetitive mouse clicks. By making keyboard shortcuts part of your everyday routine, not only will you boost how much work you get done but also save precious time and keep those annoying hand strains at bay.

How Keyboard Shortcuts Enhance Efficiency

Keyboard shortcuts are like magic keys that help you do things faster and smoother. Instead of clicking through lots of menus, you can just press a couple of keys together.

With these shortcuts, moving around in documents, apps, and websites is a breeze because your hands never have to leave the keyboard. This way, you don’t waste time switching back and forth from your mouse to typing.

They also make work easier by cutting down on the mental effort it takes to find what you need in menus. Knowing the right key combination means tasks get done quicker so you can stay focused on what’s important.

In short, getting good at using keyboard shortcuts makes a big difference in how efficiently and productively we work online.

Essential Microsoft Keyboard Shortcuts

With Microsoft applications, tons of handy keyboard shortcuts can speed things up and make you more efficient. These shortcuts use keys like Ctrl and Alt to do all sorts of things.

By getting the hang of these key combinations, you’ll find yourself zipping through documents, tweaking text here and there, and doing a bunch of tasks way faster than before. Whether it’s simple stuff like copy-pasting or something fancier like moving around virtual desktops, mastering these shortcuts is a game-changer for anyone using Microsoft software to get their work done. Plus, with the ability to quickly undo your previous action using the Ctrl key and Z key, and using the Shift key to quickly expand or collapse grouped rows or columns, you can save time and avoid frustration when making mistakes.

Basic Keyboard Shortcuts for Everyday Use

  • To copy something you’ve highlighted, like text or an image, just press Ctrl + C. This copies it so you can put it somewhere else.
  • With Ctrl + V, you can paste whatever you copied onto a new spot.
  • Made a mistake? No worries. Pressing Ctrl + Z lets you go back one step and undo what you did.
  • If you’re working on something important and don’t want to lose your progress, hitting Ctrl + S will save it for safekeeping.
  • Need a hard copy of your document? Pressing Ctrl + P sends your work straight to the printer.
  • By tapping the Windows key, the start menu pops right open – super handy for getting around your computer quickly.
  • And if there’s something specific you are looking for but can’t seem to find anywhere in sight; pressing the Windows key along with S opens up a search bar where files and app settings are.

Getting familiar with these keyboard shortcuts is useful when using Microsoft applications. They make doing everyday tasks faster and smoother by letting us skip through steps that would normally take longer without them.

Advanced Keyboard Shortcuts for Power Users

  • With the Windows key + Tab, you can move between different virtual desktops.
  • By pressing the Windows key + Ctrl + D, you’re able to create a new virtual desktop.
  • Using shortcuts that involve the Windows logo key helps in opening up things like Settings, File Explorer, or even apps that are pinned down on your Taskbar.
  • Through navigation with Ctrl and arrow keys, it’s easy to either make your start menu bigger or smaller or go through various options without much hassle.
  • If you want to close whatever program or window is currently open and in use (we call this the active window), just hit Alt + F4.
  • And for organizing your work better on screen? The Snap Assist feature lets you do just that by using the Windows key along with either left or right arrow keys; this way, windows can be neatly aligned side by side.

These keyboard tricks aren’t common knowledge but are super useful for anyone looking to get more done faster. They help big time with jumping from one app to another smoothly managing what’s open on your computer screen and working across multiple areas at once efficiently.

Application-Specific Shortcuts

In every Microsoft program, like Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, there are special shortcuts designed just for that application. These shortcuts help you do certain tasks or get to specific features fast and without much effort. By getting good at using these shortcuts in each program, including Microsoft Edge, your work will flow more smoothly and you’ll be able to do things quicker and better using access keys and key sequences.

Word Processing Shortcuts in Microsoft Word



Ctrl + B

Bold selected text

Ctrl + I

Italicize selected text

Ctrl + U

Underline selected text

Ctrl + C

Copy selected text

Ctrl + V

Paste copied text

Ctrl + X

Cut selected text

Ctrl + Z

Undo the last action

Ctrl + Y

Redo last action

Ctrl + S

Save the current document

Ctrl + P

Print the current document

These word-processing shortcuts in Microsoft Word allow users to format text, manipulate paragraphs, and perform essential functions quickly and efficiently. By utilizing these shortcuts, you can enhance your productivity and streamline your document creation process.

Spreadsheet Management Shortcuts in Excel

Excel is really handy when it comes to sorting out data and doing complex math stuff. If you get the hang of some quick keyboard tricks, you can zip through your spreadsheets, tweak numbers, and jump from one sheet to another like a pro. Here’s what you need to know: To quickly navigate through your spreadsheet, use the cursor to move between cells and the formula bar. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to cancel an entry, complete an entry, select the cell below, and move the cursor to the end of the text in the formula bar. These shortcuts include Esc, Enter, and Ctrl+End. To select all text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the end, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+End. Mastering these shortcuts will boost your productivity in Excel. Additionally, you can also use the shortcut Backspace to remove cell contents, making it easier to quickly edit and manage your spreadsheets.

  • With the arrow keys: You can move around in different directions.
  • Hitting Enter lets you finish typing formulas or adding info into spots.
  • Using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V means you can copy stuff from one spot and paste it somewhere else.
  • To add or get rid of lines or columns, press Ctrl + plus sign for adding and Ctrl with a minus sign for deleting.
  • And with Ctrl + Page Up or Down, flipping between sheets becomes super easy.

Getting these shortcuts down will make working on Excel way faster which is great for getting more done without wasting time.

Navigating Windows and Files

Getting around in the Windows operating system and keeping your files in order is key to getting things done faster. If you get good at using keyboard shortcuts for moving through Windows and File Explorer, you can make your work go smoother and quicker.

With these shortcuts, you use the Windows key along with other keys to do different stuff like popping open the start menu, flipping through any windows you have up, or getting straight to certain tools. By making these shortcuts part of how you work every day, dealing with your operating system and organizing your files becomes a breeze. Another useful shortcut is Windows Key+Shift+S, which allows you to quickly take screenshots and boost your productivity with just a pointer. This screenshot shortcut opens Windows 11 screen capture, making it easy to capture your entire screen or just a specific area. You can also use the Windows Key+Tab shortcut to toggle between virtual desktops, allowing you to easily organize and switch between different sets of open apps.

Windows Operating System Shortcuts

  • By pressing the Windows key, you can open up the Start menu to find your apps and features.
  • With the combination of Windows key + D, all your open windows will be minimized so you can see your desktop.
  • If you use Alt + Tab, it lets you move back and forth between any windows or apps that are currently open.
  • For a look at everything that’s running on your computer including virtual desktops, hit the Windows key + Tab to bring up Task View.
  • Managing how windows are arranged is easy with Window Management. Use the Windows key along with the arrow keys. This way, you can snap windows either to the left or right side of your screen or adjust their size.

Getting familiar with these shortcuts for navigating around the operating system makes getting things done quicker and boosts productivity by making managing tasks easier.

File Explorer Shortcuts for Efficient File Management

File Explorer is a handy tool in Windows that helps you keep your files and folders organized. By getting the hang of some key shortcuts, you can move around your file system, do stuff with your files, and get to certain places fast. Here’s what you need to know:

  • With the address bar (Alt + D), jump straight to any folder or spot you want.
  • Using arrow keys lets you wander through folders easily.
  • Hit Enter to open up whatever folder or file you’ve picked out.
  • To move files around without dragging them everywhere, use copy and paste (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V).
  • If it’s time for a name change on a file or folder, press F2.

Getting good at these File Explorer shortcuts means handling your files becomes quicker and simpler. You’ll also save loads of time by zipping through navigation tasks like a pro.

Email and Calendar Management

For both professionals and everyday folks, handling emails and calendars is super important. Getting the hang of keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Outlook can make a big difference. With these shortcuts, you can zip through your inbox, keep track of your schedule, and set up meetings without missing a beat. They’re real time-savers that simplify managing your emails and calendar stuff. So whether you’re drafting an email, looking for messages, or fixing a meeting time using those keyboard tricks makes everything faster and smoother.

Outlook Shortcuts for Email Productivity

Handling emails is super important for staying on top of things at work. In Microsoft Outlook, knowing a few keyboard shortcuts can speed things up. With these shortcuts, moving around your inbox or doing tasks quickly becomes much easier. For instance, if you press “Ctrl +1”, it takes you straight to your emails. Need to write a new email? Just hit “Ctrl + Shift + M”. And there are others too – like using “Ctrl + R” when you want to reply to someone, pressing “Ctrl + F” if you’re going forward an email, and hitting “Ctrl + Shift + J” when deciding an email’s not worth your time and marking it as junk. By getting the hang of these shortcuts in Microsoft Outlook, people can make their email routine way smoother and save some precious time helps them be more productive overall.

Calendar Shortcuts to Organize Your Schedule

Keeping your calendar in check is key to staying on top of things and not missing any important dates. With Microsoft Outlook, using keyboard shortcuts makes it a breeze to handle your schedule. For example, if you hit “Ctrl + 2,” it takes you straight to the Calendar view where all your upcoming stuff like appointments and meetings are laid out for you. By tapping the arrow keys, moving through different days is easy, and hitting “Enter” lets you zoom into any day you choose. Plus, when there’s something new to add? Just press “Ctrl + N,” and voila – setting up a new meeting or appointment is quick work. These handy shortcuts help make sure everything that matters gets its spot on your calendar without fuss. Additionally, you can easily navigate through your calendar and add new events using the arrow keys to move through the history list, memory list, and menu items.


Getting the hang of Microsoft keyboard shortcuts is a game-changer for getting more done faster. It’s all about working smarter, not harder, and that’s exactly what these shortcuts help you do. They make everything from simple tasks to complex ones quicker in programs like Word, Excel, Outlook, and others. No matter if you’re really into tech stuff or just want to get your work done efficiently, learning these shortcuts can seriously up your game. There are even special ones designed for different apps depending on what you need them for so you can zip through Windows without missing a beat. If boosting productivity is your goal, mastering these tools is key. And if you’re looking to hear more about how this can help in business settings or anything else commercial-wise related to being more productive with Microsoft products including Excel and other software using keyboard tricks—feel free to drop us a line anytime.

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