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TechTalk Detroit EP 015: Signs Your Business Needs Co-Managed IT Services


image reads title of podcast "signs your business needs co-managed it services"


Is your internal IT team overwhelmed with daily, tedious tasks? Co-managed IT services might be a great solution. Unlike a fully managed IT service, with co-managed IT your internal team decides what projects to focus on.

Join Chuck and Brian as they discuss co-managed IT services.

What is co-managed IT?

  • Why outsource some of your IT needs? (06:03)
  • What are the benefits of co-managed IT? (07:45)
    1. Partnering with an MSP provides 24/7/365 monitoring and support
    2. An MSP provides useful tools for your business
    3. Your IT staff is limited in size
    4. An MSP brings more knowledge & experience to your team
  • What are the 2 different types of clients that leverage co-managed relationships? (12:02)
    1. The client that wants local support technicians that can quickly support an employee in person, if needed
    2. The client that is overseeing IT & focusing on the strategy portion. As a result, all end users might not be supported properly

Why Some CIOs are Hesitant to Partner With An MSP

  • What are some hesitations/concerns when partnering with an MSP? (13:30)
    • The right partner will make you their ally and become an extension of your current team

The Advantages of Co-managed IT Services

  • Cybersecurity
    1. An MSP partner can help make sure the correct security is in place
    2. Hiring a security expert on staff can be a huge cost to your company
  • How an MSP provides valuable partnerships (16:16)
    1. Some of our partnerships include: Microsoft, Datto, & Arctic Wolf

Co-managed IT can Help Your Business Save Money

  • How co-managed services can help your business save money (17:20)
  • “If you were going to try to hire staff and invest in the right tools, your annual payroll costs will be high”
    1. The proactive nature of co-managed makes it so that your costs are more predictable over time
  • Co-managed IT gives you instant access to an entire IT company (19:11)

Is Co-Managed IT For everyone?

  • Is co-managed IT for everyone? (20:21)
    1. Consider the size of company
    2. Is in person support needed?
    3. What is your budget?
    4. Is your business in need of an infrastructure reset?
  • “If you do not have someone on staff to do a migration, then do you have someone to manage it after?” (23:06)
  • Why we love co-managed relationships (23:37)