tech talk detroit ep 31 microsoft exchange hack

TechTalk Detroit EP 031: Microsoft Exchange Hack – Why You Should Be Using Cloud Email

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In episode 31, Chuck and Brian walk us through the recent Microsoft Exchange Hack (an attack on on-premise Exchange servers) – and why you’re safer in the cloud.

Microsoft Exchange Hack: Why You Should Be Using Cloud Email

Hundreds of thousands of on-premise Exchange servers were affected by the recent hack – and even with the patch available, there are still almost a hundred thousand servers left vulnerable.

Effects On-Premise Exchange Only

Versions 2013, 2016, and 2019 (and would also affect anything earlier as those are no longer under support)

On-Premise Servers vs. Microsoft 365 (3:48)

An on-premise server requires ongoing support and maintenance that comes at a cost. You’ll also need a good patch policy in place.

With Microsoft 365, your monthly subscription includes automatic updates that Microsoft handles, taking a huge responsibility off of your plate.

Microsoft 365 also opens up more security options (5:29):

  • ATP
  • Encryption
  • Compliance
  • Legal Hold

Speed (6:20)

There may be a small difference in the time it takes for you to see an email come through from your on-premise solution vs. your Microsoft 365. We’ve helped move hundreds of companies over to Microsoft 365, and while the adjustment usually goes unnoticed, here’s why it happens – and it’s worth the delay.

Cost (10:07)

You should always evaluate your costs. It’s important to understand what the cost means when you’re comparing these two.

On-premise servers include mostly upfront costs. Once you’ve addressed the costs, the idea is that you don’t have them anymore. That’s only partially true. With Microsoft 365, it’s a monthly cost, and all the functionality and features that you need are included.

OneDrive with Microsoft 365 (16:50)

Every user gets a dedicated 1TB of OneDrive space. It acts as a workstation backup – which brings huge benefits to your business.

Automation Benefits with Microsoft 365 (19:02)

The Winner? (20:50)

It’s a no-brainer.

If you have any questions on Microsoft 365 services, or the cloud, or are interested in more information – contact us!

Check out some of our past TechTalk Detroit episodes:

TechTalk Detroit EP 30: Microsoft 365 Add-Ons You Should Be Using
TechTalk Detroit EP 28: IT Budgeting and Planning
TechTalk Detroit EP 27: Is it Time to Switch Your Managed IT Service Provider?
TechTalk Detroit EP 26: Employee Retention – How to Keep Employees Engaged and Satisfied Within the Field of Tech