
Did You Know Hardware and Software Expire Too?

Close up image of keyboard

We are all aware of the term “use by date.” It is regularly used when talking about food and medications and refers to the date after which the product is no longer safe to consume. However, did you know that your hardware and software expire, too? This is because technology is constantly evolving and advancing. […]

2022 Section 179 Tax Break: Upgrade Your Equipment and Software

Section 179 equipment and software

Upgrade equipment and software and be covered for all costs up to $1,080,000, the highest limit ever! So, you’ve been thinking of buying or leasing new upgrades for equipment and software. Before sitting down and designing a new project for your business, heed these friendly facts. As a small to medium sized business, the section […]

Tech Budgeting 101 for Small Businesses

Tech Budgeting Saved Money

With the new year around the corner, now is an excellent time to review your organization’s budget to ensure your business has the resources it needs to continue to grow and prosper in the coming year. It’s important to understand that in today’s highly digitized environment, technology shouldn’t be an afterthought. You need to have […]

Why Passwords are Your Business’s Weakest Point

In today’s digital world, safeguarding your organization’s online assets with passwords is critical. Unfortunately, poor password hygiene practices by some employees cause problems for many small businesses, leaving them vulnerable to hackers. Cybercriminals are constantly trying to find new ways to break into business systems. Sadly, too often, they succeed thanks to weak passwords. In […]

Busting Four Popular Cybersecurity Myths

As the business world becomes increasingly digitized, you’ll have to tackle several dangers that come with doing business online. Cybercriminals nowadays have several methods to target organizations, from credential hacks to sophisticated ransomware attacks. This is why it’s critical to think about measures to protect your organization in every possible way. If you are unfamiliar […]

3 Types of Cyber Insurance You Need to Know About

As the world becomes more digitized and cybercrime increases, the need for cyber insurance is something businesses should not overlook. If your company handles, transmits or stores sensitive data, you need to know about cyber insurance. Cyber insurance is intended to protect businesses from the monetary losses arising from a cyber incident that could jeopardize […]