Cloud Computing Services

3 Ways Cloud Computing is Changing the IT Business World

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is making everything easier. Companies that operated IT infrastructures of their own before the cloud know firsthand how much easier it is thanks to the cloud. Cloud computing is changing things within the world of business.

Think about what it was like to set up a major business application like hosting corporate email just fifteen years ago. Setting up your company with an application like this would entail purchasing a dedicated server. For instance, you would then have to spend a significant amount of hours installing and deploying the new server and software. In addition, a server isn’t a piece of equipment that you can simply set up and walk away from. Owning a server requires maintenance. This means having an in-house technician at best or having regular visits from a break-fix computer repair company.

1. The Cloud is Easy to Deploy

Today, businesses wanting the same enterprise-level solution can simply call up a cloud computing provider and within fifteen minutes the solution is deployed. There is no need to spend a half day or even half a week installing a new server. From an end-user standpoint, using a hosted business app over the cloud functions just as well as if the business owner had sprung for a new server unit and hosted the app internally.

2. The Cloud is Easy to Maintain

The cloud makes worrying about server maintenance a thing of the past. No longer do you have to keep an IT technician on staff to oversee a closet full of servers? In other words, outsourcing your IT will free up a significant amount of payroll.

3. The Cloud is Easy to Budget Around

It’s well known that cloud computing makes operations easier. One of the biggest advantages of the cloud is something that happens away from the computer and in the financial books. In the past, an organization had to spend money on server units and networking equipment. These purchases took a lot out of the capital expense portion of a company’s budget. Ultimately, thanks to cloud computing being a contracted service, payments are made from a company’s operating budget, thus, freeing up capital. Any business owner who has ever had a budget busted due to an unforeseen server crash will appreciate how friendly cloud computing is to a company’s budget.


Is your business taking advantage of cloud computing? There are additional ways that the cloud changes IT for the better, like increased mobility, improved network security, and giving companies the option to backup their data to the cloud, which is a much more secure and reliable way to do data backup. To make IT easier for your business with cloud computing, call Vision Computer Solutions at (248)-349-6115.