
A Comprehensive Guide to a Balanced Diet of IT Support

As your company evolves, so does the need for Managed IT support. The adjustment phase for IT teams and business owners can be a real challenge for both parties involved. Your organization is maturing in the market and seeking the best opportunity to train and hire staff but you’re not sure where you’ll be in the next year in order to keep that staff. This is a common problem but, there is a recipe that could be the best IT model for your Managed IT support.

Traditional means of IT support exist either solely inside your company or outsourced IT support (that exists primarily in another city or country). Today, however, there are companies that are finding a balance. A balance to keep organization operations and overhead lean; yet, flexible enough to act as entire department for an unforeseen expansion in numbers. This model represents a hybrid approach to the traditional, that offers an internal means of internal IT inside your business. The other side of the coin represents a supplemental IT service provider that bridges the gaps to make your entire IT department seamless. A team can also deliver a wide-range of product information on the latest technology so you don’t have to spend time researching.

Is a Balanced Diet of IT Support Right for Your Company?

Major benefits of a hybrid Manage IT support model that you could start seeing right away include:

1. Reducing Cost: No more “Sunk costs are sunk” when it comes to technology expenditures. Typically, most businesses working with a Managed Service Provider start seeing a more energy efficient machine that could lower your energy costs in weeks. A proactive approach to IT can also help predict your future technology downtime, forecasting to prevent issues. Proactive = freeing up human capital with repairs and also cash resources.

2. Focus on the Core of your Business: A balance between internal and external IT Managed Support means more attention to your core business. Let your internal personnel focus on workloads that need the most attention and then pass tasks such as help desk to your Managed Service Provider.

3.Stay Upgraded: Cloud migration, network upgrade, and software patches can take a painstakingly long time. A diverse team of experts that are certified and focused in certain areas of technology for your business will keep you running at where YOUR business should be. Keeping up with industry changes will help your business solve technology problems faster.

4. Network Health: Managed IT support should require a Network Security Specialist to be at the helm. This is going beyond your regular firewall and anti-virus products. Your Network Specialist can offer a wider range of disaster and back-up solutions to quickly respond and detect any threat to your health.