Financial Firm Best Practice: Defending Your Firm From Zero-Day


Zero-Day Defense

You could make the argument that no business is nine-to-five. With many applications running 24/7, this creates demand for round-the-clock availability and secure supervision of your technical infrastructure. Due to the high demand should require a vigilant search of someone who can manage stringent requirements over the confidential information your firm pledges to uphold.

As regulatory affairs become increasingly complex with mandates, more organizations are doubling their efforts in information technology. Hiring a Managed Service Provider (MSP) could be your answer to take on the bulk of this preemptive solution, but do your due-diligence. Finding the right partner to manage these operations requires evaluation. Aligning your financial firm with best practice ideals starts here:

Transparent Network

A complex firm needs to have all eyes on their network at any given time. Visibility into your environment will give you the ability to implement control when needed and also not worry when it’s time for compliance audits, making it simple to generate reports. Managing and monitoring securely gives you real-time access to portals for even more transparency.

Reliability in Your Agreements

Don’t be afraid to set high expectations for your Managed Service Provider. Always insist on an SLA that fits your operation. When determining an SLA, be sure to define how outages will be handled. A timely restore of services and procedure should be understood through a thorough disaster recovery process. Put together your own disaster recovery plan, and ensure your MSP is aligned with your expectations.

How Much Should Managed IT Services Cost?

Evaluation of any provider comes with a price: time. You can’t save it and it’s a resource you cannot get back. Don’t waste time with an IT partner that doesn’t hold themselves accountable month-to-month. Fixed IT management is a great way to oversee a stable spend on IT and stay up-to-date on changes in your industry with the latest adoption of new technology for your firm.