4 phases of project management

TechTalk Detroit EP 019: The 4 Phases of IT Project Management

How to Effectively Manage IT Projects

4 phases of project management

IT projects can at times be tedious and complex, therefore it is important to establish a proactive project management process. In the latest episode of TechTalk Brian & Chuck discuss the four steps of IT successful project management. 

How does Vision Computer Solutions Manage IT Projects? (02:14)

1. The Assessment Phase (02:50)

First, it is crucial to gather employee feedback during the assessment phase. The data gathered will help cultivate project objectives.

  • Always accommodate for company growth.
    • Is the company looking to increase the number of their employees within the next 5 years?
    • Will the company be moving locations in the future?
  • Interview all employees that the project will impact. This is a great way to learn about any additional project requests, concerns, and questions.
  • The assessment phase can at times be lengthy. It is important to not rush this process to ensure successful end results. Vision’s assessment phase requires about 40 hours of work.

2. The Design Phase (09:26)

With clear objectives, engineers can begin producing an introductory project design.

  1. Above all, once the preliminary project design and scope of work is completed, review the project proposal with your internal team.
  2. If there are any discrepancies after your internal review process, redesign the project if necessary.
  3. The project design should be approved by your entire internal team.
  4. Your project design is ready to be presented to your client by your account manager.

3. Create a Detailed Scope of Work (18:27)

The scope of work should:

  • Be thorough
  • Lists specific objectives
  • Not include technical jargon

4. The Change Control Process (20:30)

Measure the success of your project by reviewing an changes made. Ask if the project changes:

  • Were a result of something being overlooked
  • Was an added requested later in the project

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