Harmful Malware Alert


We would like to notify you about a harmful malware that has recently emerged, Ransom32. Uniquely, this malware utilizes JavaScript. All clients should be extra diligent.

If this particular malware occurs in a cloud work environment, the entire environment must be restored to the last snapshot prior to infection. Should this occur, without the proper business continuity device, there will be unavoidable data loss. Additionally, please note the environment may be inaccessible while the data is restored.

Vision Computer Solutions diligently updates our client systems to prevent from harmful viruses and malware by utilizing multiple anti-malware and anti-virus layers and by utilizing our vendor-partners; however there is no vendor or software that is 100% effectiveness against all threats. At this juncture, there is no defense against this particular threat. We will continue to monitor daily for an potential resolution.

Vision Computer Solutions is committed to providing continuous outstanding support to meet your business technology needs. Do not hesitate to contact our Service Desk team if you have any specific questions at: 248-349-6115 or complete the form below:

[contact-form-7 id=”1068″ title=”Malware – Ransom32″]