
Tag: Business

holiday bdr

Your holiday-ready data breach response plan

The holidays can be a popular time for hackers to hit because they know people may be on vacation or otherwise distracted with cooking, shopping, and kissing under the mistletoe. Avoid data breach havoc with these tips to keep your network safe during the holidays.

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7 Critical Steps to Take After a Data Breach

No one wants to deal with a data breach, but unfortunately, 29% of U.S. businesses have been the victim of one. Even with the best cybersecurity, you still need to be prepared should the worst happen. Make sure you have a data backup and recovery plan that includes these 7 critical steps.

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Men holding large shapes

3 SMB Tech Trends You Need to Understand

Technology continues to change the way that SMBs scale their operations. However, considering the dynamic nature of the tech industry, it’s essential that businesses ensure they’re maximizing efficiency while keeping their data secure. Here are three new SMB tech trends you should be aware of.

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