4 ways to encourage professional growth among IT professionals

TechTalk Detroit EP 016: 4 Ways to Encourage Professional Growth Among IT Professionals

4 Ways to Encourage Professional Growth Among IT Professionals

1. Create an Effective Training Plan

What does an effective training plan look like? (02:40)

  • Training for each employee should look different because everyone responds differently to learning.

“Employee training is an investment for your company.” (06:25)

2. Consider Using IT Specific Training Software 

Pluralsight, is a great IT certification and training software option. (07:42)

  • Some benefits include:
    • Tracking your employee’s engagement
    • The ability to assign individual training courses
    • A robust training library (Java, C++, & more)
    • Leadership training courses
    • Microsoft contributes to training courses
    • Proficiency scoring

3. Encourage your team by implementing books that reflect your company culture

How do books help with company culture? (14:25)

A few great company culture books that we use at Vision Computer Solutions include:

  • The Go-Giver by Bob Burg (15:38)
    • The Go-Giver is a story about the power of giving and how that provides value to any business.
  • The Compassionate Geek by Don Crawley (17:19)
    • This is a great resource to learn about the value of great customer service.

4. Create a One-Year Plan 

When should you start planning each employee’s one-year plan? (18:36)

What does a 1-year employee review look like?

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